Author - DR John Cole

Dementia: Help Your Loved Ones Effectively

As we age, any loss of memory in ourselves or a loved one triggers instant concern. Is it just forgetfulness? Or could it be a sign of something more serious, such as Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia, but not all dementia is Alzheimer’s. Not every older person will develop dementia either. And even if they do, there are a number of different kinds of dementia. Getting a correct diagnosis can help get your loved one the proper care that they need. So what exactly is dementia? Let’s look at this question in our first


Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe the problems that older people begin to suffer in relation to their memory and ability to think clearly and function independently. Alzheimer’s is the best known form of dementia, but the good news is that not all cases of dementia turn out to be Alzheimer’s.

Typical symptoms of dementia are detailed below, and see this website for more information: (

1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life

We all forget things from time to time, but one of the most common signs of dementia is memory loss related to important events in a person’s life, or them asking for the same information over and over again.

2. Challenges in planning or solving problems

This might include taking longer to do things they used to find easy or not being able to cope with the household budget, shopping, and bills that need to be paid.

3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure

The person will become less able to do things they normally did at work. They might have trouble finding familiar places or doing their usual chores.

4. Confusion with time or place

A person with dementia can lose track of the hours in the day, the days of the week, or how much time has passed. They might forget there they are or how they got there.

5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships

A person with dementia might have vivid visual hallucinations. They might also be more accident prone because they have trouble judging distance or making sense of traffic signs and signals.

6. New problems with words in speaking or writing

We all forget the right word we are looking for from time to time, but a person with dementia may lose track of their sentences in the middle of a conversation. They might also repeat the same words and phrases over and over again. Their written work may be disjointed and have gaps.

7. Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps

A person with dementia may put things in unusual places and not remember what they were doing before they lost the item. They might accuse others of stealing or insist someone has been in their home when they have been on their own, or no one else has been there except their family.

8. Decreased or poor judgment

Examples of poor judgment include giving away money, not eating sensibly, and showing less self-care, such as neglecting to wash or dress in clean clothes.

9. Withdrawal from work or social activities

As some of these signs of dementia start to become more obvious and worrying, the person with dementia might begin to isolate themselves due to their condition, and also to embarrassment and shame.

10. Changes in mood and personality

As the memory changes, so too can the personality. Depending on the kind of dementia and how aware they are of it, a person with dementia can become depressed, anxious, confused, frightened and withdrawn. They might also go to the other end of the spectrum and become angry, suspicious, resentful and difficult to deal with.

These ten symptoms can become progressively worse over time. On the other hand, depending on the cause, some people’s condition can stabilize.

There are different degrees of impairment of memory and mental abilities, and not all of them are due to underlying damage to the brain as a result of aging. Before we go on to look at dementia in more detail, let’s look at some causes of issues with memory or behavior that might not be dementia after all.

Common Reasons for Dementia-like Symptoms

1. Injury

Injury such as concussion or traumatic brain injury can cause significant changes in memory and even personality.

2. Over-the-counter and prescription medications

In some cases, medications could be the culprit. Over-the-counter medications to watch out for include antihistamines for allergies, antacids, and sleeping pills. Classes of prescription drugs to watch out for include antidepressants, statin drugs to treat cholesterol, antihypertensive drugs to lower blood pressure, and insulin for those with diabetes. There are alternatives to many of these medications that might help reverse any signs of what you might think is dementia.

Links for more information:
Medication –
Prescription drugs –

3. Lifestyle issues

Known causes of memory loss include:

* Alcohol use
* Tobacco use
* Drug use
* Not enough sleep
* Poor quality sleep, such as waking often in the night due to breathing problems (COPD) or the urge to urinate
* Fatigue
* Depression
* Stress
* Poor nutrition
* Eating too many sweets

Anything that can be done to address these issues could lead to recovery.

Link for more information on causes of memory loss –,,20845146,00.html

4. Other medical issues

Certain medical conditions are known to trigger dementia-like symptoms. These include:

* An underactive thyroid
* An overactive thyroid
* Tuberculosis
* Syphilis
* Stroke (usually caused by high blood pressure)
* Diabetes

Now that you know what dementia is and some of the main contributing factors to memory loss and possible dementia, let’s look at some of the main types of dementia.

The Main Types of Dementia and Their Causes

Part of the difficulty in getting a dementia diagnosis is that there are several types of dementia, including:

1. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
2. Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)
3. Parkinson’s disease dementia
4. Vascular dementia
5. Normal pressure hydrocephalus
6. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
7. Huntington’s disease
8. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
9. Mixed dementia
10. Alzheimer’s disease

Let’s look at each of these briefly.

1. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

This the mildest form of dementia. Symptoms range from memory loss to a risk of progression to Alzheimer’s. The changes are not so severe that they interfere with daily life or independent living. In some cases, the person can even recover.

2. Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)

People with DLB often have memory loss and thinking problems, but are more likely than people with Alzheimer’s to have early warning signs such as disturbed sleep, visual hallucinations and trouble with their muscles that are similar to those found in a person with Parkinson’s disease.

Lewy bodies are clumps of the protein alpha-synuclein. If they gather in the cortex of the brain, they can trigger dementia. These clumps are also found in those with Parkinson’s, but in different areas of the brain. DLB is challenging because the symptoms can come and go, leading people to think the sufferer is just being moody or difficult.

3. Parkinson’s disease dementia

Parkinson’s is a progressive degeneration of the nervous system. Symptoms include muscle tremors, spasms, and rigidity, making it difficult for the person to perform their activities of daily living without help. The boxer Muhammad Ali and the actor Michael J. Fox are two examples of high-profile individuals with the condition. The proteins that cause DLB gather in the basal ganglia and results in a progressive dementia similar to that of dementia with Lewy bodies.

4. Vascular dementia

Vascular dementia accounts for around 10% of dementia cases. It is caused by changes in the blood vessels in the brain due to cardiovascular health issues, in particular stroke. The most notable sign is not memory loss but having trouble making decisions and perhaps changes in mental and physical function, including paralysis (based on where the damage to the blood vessels in the brain has occurred).

Knowing the signs and symptoms of stroke using the F.A.S.T. system can help prevent serious damage. So can keeping blood pressure low, to prevent strokes from occurring.

Link to F.A.S.T. information –

5. Normal pressure hydrocephalus

This is caused by a build-up of fluid in the brain. Drainage will usually bring relief. It will trigger loss of memory, trouble walking, and difficulty controlling urination (incontinence).

6. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome is a chronic memory disorder caused by severe deficiency of thiamine (Vitamin B1). The most common cause is alcohol misuse. Memory issues may be severe, but thinking and interacting with others might seem perfectly normal.

7. Huntington’s disease

Huntington’s disease is a progressive brain disorder caused by a single defective gene on chromosome 4. Over time it can lead to abnormal involuntary movements (spasms), a severe decline in cognitive skills and a noticeable change in mood such as depression and irritability.

8. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), commonly referred to as mad cow disease

CJD is a rare condition, a fatal brain disorder that impairs memory and coordination and causes behavior changes as a result of prion proteins that make the brain malfunction. It comes from eating beef from an infected cow.

9. Mixed dementia

This is defined as a person suffering from more than one form of dementia, such as vascular dementia with Alzheimer’s.

10. Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s makes up 60% to 80% of dementia cases. The early symptoms may include:

* Listlessness
* Depression
* Memory loss
* Difficulty communicating
* Mental confusion
* Behavior changes (sometimes extreme)
* Trouble doing normal activities of daily living such as dressing, washing, eating
* Trouble with basic skills such as speaking, swallowing and walking

Alzheimer’s is diagnosed through marked changes in the brain:

1 – Deposits of the protein fragment beta-amyloid (plaques)
2 – Twisted strands of the protein tau (tangles)
3 – Nerve cell damage
4 – Nerve cell death

Alzheimer’s is now considered to be a progressive, fatal illness with a life expectancy of five to seven years after diagnosis. A recent study has named it the third leading cause of death in the US after heart disease and cancer.

Links for more information:

Knowing this can be very distressing for caregivers trying to do their best for loved ones with Alzheimer’s, but this knowledge can also empower them to give their loved one better palliative (end of life) care by knowing what to expect. It is a case of quality of life rather than duration.

We’ve talked about the different types of dementia and their causes. Next, let’s look at the stages of dementia.

What Are the Stages of Dementia and Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s has seven stages. Dementia, sometimes described as dementia without Lewy bodies, has three to five stages depending on how you wish to define a stage. A scale of cognitive function is used for diagnosis. Knowing what to expect at each stage can help you be a better caregiver for your loved one.

The seven stages of Alzheimer’s disease are:

1. No impairment
2. Very mild decline
3. Mild decline
4. Moderate decline
5. Moderately severe decline
6. Severe decline
7. Very severe decline

Link for more information –

It is important to note that some of these stages may overlap. Late stage care will involve the loved one needing more and more assistance, which the caregiver can provide and/or get help with.

Link to late stage care –

In terms of dementia staging, many professionals use the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) scale to evaluate if dementia is present, and how severe it might be. The score is based on a patient’s ability to perform in six different cognitive areas:

1. Memory
2. Judgment
3. Home and hobbies
4. Personal care
5. Orientation/awareness
6. Community

The five stages are:

1. CDR 0 – no impairment
2. CDR 0.5 – questionable impairment
3. CDR 1 – mild impairment
4. CDR 2 – moderate impairment
5. CDR 3 – severe impairment

Link for more information –

To simplify your caregiving, focusing on these last three stages of this five-stage scale will help you determine what actions to take in order to help your loved one most effectively.

Note that not all dementias are progressive. As we have discussed, there are a range of ways for the dementia sufferer to help themselves, and for you as a supportive caregiver to encourage them. Let’s look at some of these strategies in the next section.

Effective Caregiving for a Person with Dementia

Caregiving can be the toughest job you will ever have. It will usually have to be juggled as part of an already busy life with work, caring for a family, and then adding elder care issues on top. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to prevent dementia worsening or ease symptoms for a better quality of life, for as long as possible.

If you think your loved one might have dementia, the first thing to do is start a diary of your observations about their condition, medications they take or are prescribed, and so on.

Next, try dealing with the most obvious lifestyle issues first to see if it makes a difference. Stopping certain medications, or helping them quit smoking or drinking alcohol can all help. So can ensuring they eat a healthy, balanced diet.

An Anti-Dementia Diet

Researchers have recently published a promising study in relation to an effective diet shown to improve cognition even in people of advanced age. They named it the MIND Diet, and it is a combination of the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet for those with high blood pressure. A good diet for brain health will include B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

The cornerstones of the MIND diet are:

* Green leafy vegetables
* A wide range of vegetables rather than meat
* Nuts like walnuts
* Berries such as blueberries
* Beans and legumes such as kidney beans
* Whole grain bread and cereal, such as oatmeal
* Fatty fish like salmon, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids to help brain health
* Lean poultry (white meat chicken and turkey)
* Olive oil
* A small amount of red wine, which has certain antioxidants in it

Foods to avoid include:

* Fast food/fried foods
* Pastries, cakes, and candy
* Butter and margarine (high in fat) and foods with trans fats
* Cheese and full fat yogurt (also high in fat)
* Red meat, especially if it is charred, since this can also trigger certain cancers

Link to MIND diet –

If none of these lifestyle strategies offer any improvement, then it is time to start giving more supportive care appropriate to the particular stage of dementia they are suffering from.

Stage 1: Caregiving for Early Dementia

Suggested activities include:

* Memory aids like a diary and checklists
* A pill carrier for all of their most important medicines, divided by days of the week and time of the day
Link –
* Electronic calendar or mobile phone reminders for taking medications and all other important appointments
* Discussing caregiving options
* Discussing end of life wishes
* Getting all the paperwork in place such as a living will, medical proxy, etc.
* Online bill pay and keeping money in the bank account to cover essential expenses

Stage 2 Care

Suggested activities include:

* Giving some help with activities of daily living, such as washing and toileting if needed
* Dealing with anxiety or depression
* Dealing with mental confusion
* Checking in with their doctor regularly about the care
* Making sure you have a good support network in place
* Researching care options such as assisted living, nursing homes and hospices
* Caring for your own health so you do not burn out
Link –
* Mastering make-ahead and freeze meals so you can cook once and fill the freezer with healthy meals anyone can just heat and eat
Link –
* Making sure all legal paperwork is in place

Stage 3 Care

Suggested activities include:

* Giving a lot of help with activities of daily living, such as washing and toileting if needed
* Dealing with behavioral changes
* Making sure your loved one is supervised throughout the day and night
* Checking in with their doctor regularly about the care, medications and so on
* Making sure you have a good care team in place for all their needs
* Taking steps to move them out of their home if they can no longer be independent into assisted living, a nursing home, or hospice
* Dealing with any other medical issues they may have
* Caring for your own health so you do not burn out; getting counselling, joining a support group, and so on
* Making sure all legal paperwork is in place
* Knowing what to expect when a person dies – paperwork, funeral arrangements, costs and so on

No one likes to think about these issues, but it is better to know in advance than have to deal with them when you are very stressed or grief-stricken.

Now that we have covered a range of care options for early, middle and late stage dementia, let’s look in a bit more detail at the medications available for treating dementia and its symptoms.

Medications for Dementia

There a number of medication options for a person with dementia which can be helpful. They fall into four types:

1. Correcting

Doctors will try to correct any issue that might be causing the dementia, such as prescribing thyroid hormone or adding B vitamins to the diet, or changing medications that have memory loss as a known side effect.

2. Maintaining

The drugs donepezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine will try to maintain mental ability for as long as possible. Many of these drugs have been developed for those with Alzheimer’s but might also help patients with other types of dementia. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss.

Memantine is also used with Alzheimer’s patients but might also be effective for those with vascular dementia.

3. Preventing

Since some dementia is vascular – that is, caused by strokes, the doctor may prescribe drugs to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

4. Managing moods

If you have tried other strategies for managing moods, like checking their overall health to see if there are other medical issues such as pain, but not had any success, the doctor may prescribe:

* Antipsychotic drugs such as olanzapine (Zyprexa) and risperidone (Risperdal).
* Antidepressants, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Prozac and Zoloft.

Remember that all medications carry a risk of side effects, whether prescription or over the counter. Note any sudden change; it could be the drugs, not the dementia.
To Sum Up

With so many headlines about Alzheimer’s surrounding us, very little of it good news, it can be easy to panic if we or our loved ones start to show signs of memory problems. In many cases, the memory loss can be triggered by lifestyle issues, such as sleep deprivation or stress. Changes in memory can also be caused by a wide range of over-the-counter and prescription medications.

Getting a correct diagnosis can help you identify the type of dementia your loved one has so you can give them the proper care that they need to maintain not just life, but quality of life, for as long as possible.

Being a caregiver to a person with dementia can be a challenge. We hope this guide will help support you in this challenging but rewarding role.

Alzheimer’s Association –

Mayo Clinic: Dementia –

End of Life Paperwork –

End of Life: Helping with Comfort and Care –

What Is the Difference between Dementia and Alzheimer’s?

If you or a loved one experiences age-related memory changes, it is easy to panic and fear the worst – Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is now the number three cause of death in the US, after heart disease and cancer. As the so-called Baby Boomers all start to reach 50 to 70 years of age, the number of people suffering from Alzheimer’s is likely to increase.

However, it is important to note that not all memory issues are dementia or Alzheimer’s. Some can be caused by stress, drinking too much alcohol, not getting enough sleep, or taking any number of over-the-counter and prescription medications that are known to affect memory, such as allergy medicines, antacids and antidepressants.

Dementia or Alzheimer’s

If you have tried to help your loved one to modify all of these and other important lifestyle factors but they are still showing signs of age-related memory loss, it might be time to learn more about dementia. What is it, and how are dementia and Alzheimer’s different?


Dementia is a form of brain dysfunction related to aging. It is a progressive condition that will worsen over time unless steps are taken to try to maintain mental ability for as long as possible. This can be achieved through a range of activities and also medications.

The first sign of dementia is usually forgetfulness that will increase in frequency and type. Your loved one might not be able to find their keys, can’t remember how they got into a room, or whether they took their medicine recently.

A visit to the doctor should reveal if any of these signs are symptoms of dementia or some other health issue. The doctor will use a scoring system and evaluate whether there is no dementia present, slight abnormality, or stage 1, 2 or 3.

Depending on the stage, you would work with your doctor to come up with a treatment plan of drugs and a new routine. Over time, your loved one might not be able to do all of their regular activities of daily living such as washing, dressing and so on, but this is usually only in the advanced stages of dementia.

Some signs of what seems to be dementia can be related to other health issues. For example, not being able to find keys could be the result of vision loss. A person not responding to you in conversation might be due to hearing loss.

Dementia is usually not fatal in and of itself. Death may be a result of dementia-related accidents instead of the actual condition. Some people can show improvements in their condition, and it is possible to learn to function quite well with it.


Alzheimer’s is a particular form of dementia that is caused by protein clumps on the brain known as amyloid plaques. Alzheimer’s manifests in seven stages, each one marking a progressive decline in mental functions and the ability to carry out activities of daily living on their own.

At the beginning of Alzheimer’s, the symptoms are similar to dementia. Over time, however, the decline will become worse and death usually occurs within five to seven years.

Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, accounting for 60% to 80% of all cases. Having said that, not everyone with mild dementia is diagnosed, as compared with the more extreme symptoms and manifestations of Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s is most common in those over 65. The plaque in the brain results in the nerve cells dying. Sufferers will eventually forget how to do things like dress themselves, go to the bathroom on their own, eat, and so on.

Alzheimer’s is dementia, but not all dementia is Alzheimer’s. Make sure you get an accurate diagnosis so you can come up with the right treatment plan for your loved one.

Strange Changes: Could My Loved One Have Dementia?

There are enough (bad) jokes about older people for most of us to know that aging brings about a range of health issues. If we look at the population in the United States, record numbers are overweight or obese, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and are prediabetic or diabetic. All of these conditions cause significant wear and tear on the body.

Body Health and Brain Health

Researchers are now just beginning to understand how these conditions can affect brain health as well. More and more studies have shown that dementia can be prevented if we take certain risk factors into account and try to help our loved one make some healthy changes in their lives.

For example, many people call sugar “white death.” Excessive consumption of carbohydrates has been associated with dementia and diabetes.

High blood pressure can cause mini-strokes, transient ischemic attacks or TIAs, causing damage to the brain that might lead to dementia. High blood pressure can also lead to a full stroke and paralysis, memory loss and an inability to function independently.

High cholesterol clogs the arteries, causing the blood pressure to go even higher as the heart tries to force blood through the narrowed blood vessels. Too much pressure can cause chunks of these deposits called plaques to break off and travel to the heart, leading to a heart attack (a myocardial infarction, or MI) or a stroke.

You might be familiar with plaque from TV ads about toothpaste. Interestingly, those with dental plaque can often have heart health issues. Even more interesting is that the most severe form of dementia, Alzheimer’s, is caused by amyloid plaque in the brain.

Unfortunately, many of the most common medications used to treat high blood pressure and cholesterol can actually trigger dementia-like symptoms. In addition, common over-the-counter remedies like allergy medications, antacids and sleeping pills can contribute to memory issues.

Smoking, drinking alcohol and eating a poor diet lacking in essential nutrients can also result in memory issues. Therefore, if you suspect your loved one has dementia, your first step might be to talk to your doctor about other medicines they could take that do not have the same side effects. Also set goals for healthier living, such as stopping smoking and eating a better diet rich in antioxidants (e.g. from blueberries) and fatty acids found in walnuts and fish.

If changing medications and lifestyle measures do not seem to help, then it might be dementia.

How Dementia Is Diagnosed

Dementia is diagnosed according to a scale that determines how well someone performs certain task related to:

  • Memory
  • Judgment
  • Home and hobbies
  • Personal care
  • Orientation/awareness
  • Community

The five stages of dementia are:

  1. CDR (clinical dementia rating) 0 – no impairment
  2. CDR 0.5 – questionable impairment
  3. CDR 1 – mild impairment
  4. CDR 2 – moderate impairment
  5. CDR 3 – severe impairment

The most common strange changes that people notice in reference to a loved one with dementia include:

  • Memory loss that disrupts daily life
  • Difficulty completing familiar tasks
  • Confusion with time or place
  • Obvious problems understanding and communication
  • Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace their steps
  • Withdrawal from work or social activities
  • Changes in mood and personality

Of course there could be other reasons for any one of these symptoms, but taken together they could point to dementia.

There is a great deal we can do to keep ourselves and our loved ones mentally alert well into their senior years. Learn more about dementia so you can help your loved one retain their faculties and remain independent for as long as possible.

Safety When Caring for a Loved One with Dementia

Looking after an older relative with dementia can be a bit like caring for young children, only ones who are a lot more mobile and able to get into more trouble if you don’t pay attention to a number of important safety issues.

As with children, you might find yourself wishing for certain superpowers, such as having eyes in the back of your head and the ability to see through doors and walls. Coping with adults who have dementia may have you taking on roles you never imagined you would have to. Our parents have always been the strong ones that we looked to for help and advice. It can be a very difficult transition to move from the dependent child to the mature adult as your parent becomes more like a dependent child.

Care Issues of Dementia

Because they are adults, they have a range of responsibility and care issues that go beyond what you usually have to do for a child, such a bathe, dress, feed them, and deal with toileting issues. These will be needed eventually once their dementia progresses. They are hard enough to do with children, and even more challenging when dealing with a large adult.

Home Safety

But you might also need to take care of bills, home maintenance and upkeep, and safety within the home. For example, if your loved one with dementia has mobility issues like needing a walker or cane, make sure the house is neat and tidy and that they have adaptive aids to assist them. These light include ramps, stair climbers, handles in the bathroom near the toilet and shower/tub, and so on.


Another issue is dealing with medications. You should maintain an up-to-date list of everything they are taking, and why. Bring it to each doctor’s appointment. Include all vitamins, over-the-counter products, and herbal supplements they might use regularly, because some can cause serious interactions with each other.

A pill carrier can help them stay safe and not miss doses or accidentally overdose in relation to the medications that are essential and need to be taken regularly. It is far easier to set the pills out for a week from each of the bottles than to try to remember what you took from which bottle. Set an alarm or electronic notification on a computer or text messaging service so the medicine can be taken on time. If you are not sure whether they have taken it, just check the compartment for that dose.

Benefits and Health Insurance

Once you take care of drug safety, it is time to familiarize yourself with their social security benefits, health insurance, Medicare and/or Medicaid so you can understand what their income is and how much their medicines cost. Some people decide to take out a supplementary benefit policy for their medications, for instance, to help cover the cost of high-priced drugs. Others might have long-term care policies in place. In this way you will know all your options in relation to being cared for at home versus going to an assisted living facility, nursing home, or eventually a hospice.

As the dementia progresses, they might lose their keys, crash the car, wander out of the house, leave the gas on, or leave the tub running and flood the house. All of these incidents and more mean closer and closer supervision. If you are not living with the loved one, you will have to check on them regularly plus organize round-the-clock care.

Putting safety first is not easy, but it can help your loved one maintain their independence a lot longer.

Diagnosis Dementia

Whenever a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, we usually feel shocked and helpless at first. We might also feel like we are the only person in the world who has had to deal with that particular disease.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Thanks to the internet, charities and support groups, there are a range of free resources you can use to help you learn how to be an effective caregiver so you can help your loved one cope with their dementia.

Five Ways to Help Your Loved One Cope With Their Dementia

Your first resource will be the doctor who has made the diagnosis. Knowing what stage the dementia is at can help you take the best actions to maintain their independence for as long as possible.

It is hard to deal with becoming a caregiver overnight. If a loved one has been showing signs of dementia such as memory loss or personality change, it can be difficult to deal with – especially if you already have a full-time job and perhaps even young children at home you also need to care for.

A diagnosis of dementia is not the end of the world, but it will probably mean you and your loved one dealing with a “new normal” in terms of your routines and level of care.

5 Ways to deal with the new situation for both of you.

1. Talk to Healthcare Professionals

They will be able to give you all of the answers to physical issues that will arise with your loved one. Doctors can describe the changes to expect and when. This will prepare you for what you will see on a daily basis. It will not be a sprint to the end, but rather a marathon, so you need to develop smart strategies for getting through each challenge as it comes.

2. Talk to a Counselor

A counselor can help you deal with your emotions and like the doctor, point you in the direction of a range of ways to support your loved one and yourself at this challenging time. Your loved one may qualify for home nursing care and other services like Medicare or Medicaid, wheelchairs and home health supplies and so on. Don’t let false pride stand in the way of asking for help.

3. Find a Support Group

You will suffer a range of emotions as a caregiver for a person with dementia, ranging from worry and frustration to resentment, and even anger at helping a person who has become a stranger to you and may not even know your name. A support group can help you vent and also provide valuable information on dementia, its stages, and what has worked best for them as they have cared for their loved ones.

4. Don’t Neglect Yourself

You will not be able to care for anyone if you do not first care for yourself. Take time for the things you enjoy, and practice stress relief and relaxation techniques as needed. Be sure to eat well and not rob yourself of sleep.

5. Know All about Their Medications

Your loved one will probably come home with prescriptions from their doctor. Check the dosages, when to give them, and what side effects to look out for. Create a schedule and stick to it. A pill organizer can help. Fill it up once a week so you don’t have to fiddle with a lot of bottles every time they need their medications.

Being thrust into a care-giving role is never easy, but these steps after a diagnosis of dementia can help your loved one maintain their independence and ability to function for longer.

Three Stages of Dementia

Researchers who have been studying dementia have found that it tends to progress in three stages. These stages are early, middle and late-stage dementia. It is important to know what is typical at each stage so caregivers will know what to expect and be prepared to meet the most urgent needs of their loved one as the illness progresses.

Dementia: Three Stages – What to Expect

Early Dementia

Early dementia can be described as a stage in which the person is starting to show signs of a loss of mental acuity, such as a poor memory or inability to do tasks they once found easy. At this stage they are still able to function more or less independently.

It is important to note that many things, such as medications, stress and a lack of sleep, can all affect our memories, so it will be important to rule these out first. One of the best ways to do this is to keep track in a journal of any significant changes which might point to actual dementia as the cause.

The Second Stage

The second stage of dementia is characterized by the symptoms in stage one getting progressively worse, to the point where the person will require more help with the activities of daily living (ADLs) such as washing and getting dressed. They might also exhibit behavioral changes, such as confusion, anxiety or even withdrawal from others because they are embarrassed.

The Late Stage

The late stage of dementia will usually mean that your loved one will require a good deal more care with even the simplest of tasks, such as ADLs.

How You Can Help

Some medications have been shown to be effective for those with early and middle stage dementia. Those who have dementia due to high blood pressure (vascular dementia) can often gain relief if they treat the high blood pressure and reduce their risk of stroke.

If they have tried all this but the dementia is still worsening, you as caregiver will have to work hard to keep them as independent and comfortable as possible for as long as you can. In the early stages, therefore, it is important to discuss issues regarding finances, health and end of life decisions, as well as funeral arrangements. This is one of the best ways to ensure that your loved one’s wishes are respected no matter how their faculties might decline. It also helps plan ahead for the arrangements they request.

Paperwork regarding banking, bills and legal issues like wills and who will be overseeing the estate as executor should be taken care of sooner rather than later, because dementia can progress slowly in some but rapidly in others. This can help ensure that your loved one gets the care they need, when they need it. No one likes to deal with insurance companies or Medicare, but it can be unavoidable if you want your loved one to get the medications and treatment they need.

Last but not least, you need to pay attention to safety no matter what the stage of dementia. Your loved one will need supervision regularly, and around the clock in the later stages of dementia. You also need to stick to a tight schedule of medications so they will not skip a dose or accidentally overdose.

A diagnosis of dementia can be a shocking thing, but the more you know about what to expect at each stage, the better you will be able to help your loved one as the illness progresses.